Sunday, January 27, 2008

A regular Sunday

It's been a regular kind of Sunday around here, what with the "post auction assessment" most of the day, making a load for Main, having the folks and MK&R (no B) over for dinner, and now a little quiet time before heading to bed and starting another week. Not sure why this is worth posting but I've been kind of a slacker when it comes to posting so here's something new for you all to read.

The auctions this week were somewhat usual, with not much stuff at Caldwell, although at Main they had 4 bays of new merchandise from a local medical and welding supplies Co (Norco) and I left at 5:30pm and they still weren't done with it all. I'm sure the auction lasted into the wee hours of the morning. Anyway, I got some interesting and fun things so watch our stuff on Ebay in about a week or two .

But this next weekend is going to be a real hoot, as there is a pawn shop auction in Caldwell on Friday and Saturday and they will be running 2 rings both days. They have got a TON of stuff so take a look at this link The Mrs is coming with me on Friday so I should have some photos for the next post.

There is also a Snap On tool auction on Saturday in Meridian which I will definitely be attending before I head over to Caldwell. And of course Sunday is the Superbowl and a fun time with the Wilkes, BMK&R and the folks.

That's about it for now.